Wishlist ZAFUL

13:34 Andy González 2 Comments

¡Hola! El otro día investigando entre las prendas de la tienda online de ZAFUL afortunada o desafortunadamente me encontré con demasiadas prendas que me gustaban, imposible escoger y quedarse con una o dos jaja por ello hoy os voy a mostrar una selección de mis favoritas a ver si vosotras y vosotros podéis ayudarme a escoger cuál de estas prendas os llevaríais a casa. ¿Está difícil la cosa verdad? jaja ¿con qué prenda o prendas os quedaríais? No se nota nada que me gusta el amarillo/mostaza jaja 

Hi! This is a different post with items that I love so so much from ZAFUL I hope you guys like them too. If I could I would buy them all; in my opinion, this items are very special and some of them very colorful. What do you think? Which items would you pick?

Could you pick just one? I can't. See ya at the next post!
¿Podrías elegir solo una prenda? A mi me cuesta jaja 
¡Te espero en el próximo post!

Andy González

2 comentarios:

  1. The country's currency is the US dollar. The symbol used for this currency is the US dollar, abbreviated as US dollar. 3.2% of the country's population is unemployed. The total number of unemployed in the Marshall Islands is 1701. The Marshall Islands exports approximately $ 0.05 billion a year and imports approximately $ 0.12 billion. The country's Gini index is 40.8. The public debt of the Marshall Islands is 76.5% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2012. The Marshall Islands are considered a developing country. A country's stage of development is determined by a number of factors, including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality and quality of life. The main industries in the country are copra, tuna processing, tourism, handicrafts (production of shells, wood and pearls). http://www.confiduss.com/en/jurisdictions/the-marshall-islands/infrastructure/


Thanks for your comment. Love youu!! :)